Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 185

Happy Valentine's day!

We are not really valentine's people... especially Rick, he despises the day.  One year he sent me flowers the day before valentine's day but refused to call them valentine's flowers.

We had a pretty low key evening with a short run, tortilla soup and some boulevard chocolate ale.   Apparently, this beer is kind of a big deal.  Rick found ebay auctions selling it for like $100!  It's pretty tasty.

Our evening got much more exciting when the Kstate v. KU game started.  The wildcats have had a tough year, and I don't think anyone expected them to win this game... but they DID!!! Not only did they beat them, they led almost the entire game and won by almost 20 points 84-68! Crazy!  The best part of the whole thing is that KU was ranked #1 yesterday and they were soooo proud of themselves.  Well, that didn't last long haha.

I love the giant heads, they always make me laugh.  Rick thinks one night they should give the whole student section frank martin heads haha

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