Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 194

- For some reason I had the flakiest day today.  Example: While at school I walked up to the elevator and was talking to Karen.  We stood there for a good 10 minutes before someone pointed out that the button wasn't pushed.  Duh.

- Rick may have to get his wisdom teeth out before he can go to Greenland.  This is major surgery and the school isn't going to pay for it... WTF?

- One of the attorney's in my office strangely resembles Bellatrix Lestrange today.

- I'm supposed to go to a 4 hour, voluntary, contracts review course tonight.  Do I really want to put myself through that?  I'm sort of hoping the weather gets really bad, so I don't have to go.

- Rick has slept a whole, consecutive 8 hours the last two nights.  I'm so proud of him.  He has serious sleep issues, waking up too early and not being able to fall asleep.

- I got to class a little early this afternoon and there were only 3 other people in there.  This girl then proceeds to have an entire conversation on her phone about how hot some guy she's looking up on facebook is and how he has a great body.  Awkward!

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