Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 189

Rick and I recently watched some pretty good movies.

First we watched Secretariat.  I don't know what it is about stubborn housewives, but I just love them.  Like Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side.  I loved that movie, because of her.  Rick says I just want to be a rich southern belle.  I disagree.  I want to be a rich southern belle with a cause.  I'm not sure I have half the spunk those ladies do, though.  Anyway, Secretariat was really good.  Rick even liked it despite his initial grumblings.  I SO want to go to a horse race and wear a big hat.

Then we watched The Social Network, which I also thought was very interesting.  Mark Zuckerberg kind of comes off as a jerk in it, though.  How ironic that he makes billions helping people make friends and in the end he ends up with no friends.  Moral of the story: don't write things on the internet you don't want immortalized.  Everyone who has facebook should be forced to watch this movie and learn this lesson.  (sidenote: a girl I went to high school with actually posted pictures of her pregnancy test on the fb... eww!  I do not want to see pictures of a stick you just peed on.  sick!)  Rick wasn't all that impressed with this movie, but he's not all that impressed with facebook in general, so maybe that's why.  I just thought it was kind of cool to think about all of that happening while we were in college.  I can still remember when I first learned about facebook.  I was a sophomore living at Alpha Chi and one of the girls called a bunch of us in her room to show it to us.  And now I check it daily (probably more) to see what's going on with everyone.  Weird.

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