Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 192

Rick was the funniest kid growing up.  Obviously I wasn't there, but I have so many funny stories that he's told me, and I wanted to write them down so I don't forget them.

- I'm pretty sure he had his own language as a toddler.  We watched some home videos once, and he was just chattering away in gibberish.  He also called milk 'bahki'.  No idea how to spell that, or where it came from.

- When Rick was in grade school he failed a rhyming test.  He was convinced that his name rhymed "Ricky Riley".  I can see where the confusion came from, since they both end in 'y'.  To this day, he is convinced that those words rhyme, however, his rhyming skills with all other words are much improved.  I test him sometimes.

- At our wedding, we had a slideshow with pictures from when we were kids.  In one of Rick's pictures he is building this tower of blocks that is probably 10 feet high.  His dad is sitting on the couch in front of the tower with a hard hat on, because Rick's tower kept falling over and hitting his dad in the head.

- Rick once did a science experiment on how often cats land on their feet.  It involved dropping his beloved cat Lightning off of various things to see if he would land on his feet.  His mom helped.

I'm cracking up just writing these.  I think Rick was the funniest, smartest kid ever.  Maybe this will convince him to blog, so he can write funny stories about me.

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