Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 188

Tonight I had book club with some of my friends from college and a few other additions.  One of the girls is about 7 months pregnant, and she hosted tonight.  She was showing us the baby's nursery and talking about how the crib was convertible.  I asked what exactly that meant and she said, oh it changes into a toddler or twin bed. I was still a little confused, and she had to explain that what are now the side rails turn into a headboard and footboard for a big bed. oooooh.  Once, she explained it, it made a lot more sense and I could see how that worked.   Then she was talking about how the baby wouldn't actually sleep in the crib.  It would sleep in a 'pack and play' in their room.  I guess when they're really little it's like pediatrician recommended that they sleep in your room or in your bed.  But later they can sleep in a crib. Who knew baby's don't actually sleep in their cribs? Not me.

Clearly I have a lot to learn before we have any kids.  Also, I'm pretty sure we could never have our baby sleep in our bed.  I would never sleep because I'd be too scared one of us (rick) would roll over and hurt it.

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