Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 180

Random Thoughts:

- We are in the home stretch for the symposium... thank god.  I'm so ready for this to be over.  This week has already been super stressful trying to get all of the last minute things done.

- It won't stop snowing.  We got another 3 inches (exactly. Rick measured with a ruler) last night.  Our neighbor must get up at the crack of dawn because her driveway is ALWAYS shoveled before we get up.

- Rick has his big interview at Garmin tomorrow.  He's the smartest man alive, so I'm sure he'll be great.

- I've been contemplating going vegetarian for 30 days.  (I'm totally copying my sister)  I wonder if I could do it?

- My grandparents sent Rick and I a valentines card.  The envelope was addressed to both Rick and I, but the card was addressed to "Jessie & (Rick)"  what does that mean? Apparently he hasn't made non-parenthetical status yet?


1 comment:

  1. (Jessie) you little copier! After you dogged me! haha ;) It's fun to try! Get it out of the way before grilling season!! I am on a no 'sweets' for 30 days kick now.
