Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 179

The other day Rick and I were driving along when we passed a lady walking her dog.  Just as we passed them the dog broke into a huge yawn.  It was pretty cute and it launched Rick and I into an entire conversation in puppy dog talk (ie. baby talk) about our future dog.  We soon realized that we are going to be the most annoying dog owners ever.

We've already picked out the name of our dog... we will call him Tugboat.  I fully intend to call him Tuggie, which turned in to a joke about how he could "teach me how to tuggie, teach me, teach me how to tuggie" (sung to the tune of Teach Me How to Dougie).

I can't wait to get a puppy.  If I had my way we would have one already, but Rick wants to wait until we have a fenced yard, which I suppose is a legit requirement... but how can you say no to this face...

Holly the Labrador Retriever Pictures 719775
so cute!

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