Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 173

Well, today is snow day numero dos.  I couldn't believe it when they canceled school and work last night!

We woke up to some crazy snow outside and Rick got right to work shoveling our driveway.  It was crazy how high the snow was in some spots.  We thought that maybe our cars would block some of the snow on our driveway, but they just made really huge snow drifts all around them.  Our neighbor had a snow drift on her patio that was as high as her window.

After shoveling, we were ready to get out of the house so we went to home depot so Rick could buy supplies for his beer cooler.  On the way home we stopped for some Sonic, and then again so Rick could help some people push their car out of the snow.  He's such a good samaritan. Some of the roads were still pretty snowy and hadn't been plowed at all.  We drove through campus and it was a mess, so it's a good thing they canceled school.


Here's Rick's beer cooler.  He made it by wrapping the tube around some growlers... how fitting haha.  Now, he can put it in his 'brew kettle' (shown in the second picture) and run cold water through the tube and it will cool down his beer super fast.  He's so handy.

Now we're heading out for drinking Wednesdays... at 3pm...this should end well.

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