Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 199

Rick is a member of the Lawrence Cycling Club.  Last summer a group from the club was out riding on a road outside of Lawrence when a guy ran one of them off the road.  Charges were filed against the guy, and Rick has been closely following the case.  My friend Karen works in the Douglas County DA's office and has been doing some work on the case.  Obviously, she can't really discuss too much of what she's working on, but she did let us know that the case was going to trial and the trial would start today.   She also got to do a lot of the trial prep work and sit at the counsel table during the trial.

So, Rick went down first thing this afternoon to watch the trial.  He's super in to it and has his own theory of the case haha.  I met him down there later on and watched a few of the witnesses.  After hearing the details of the incident 3 times in a row I was ready to roll out, but Rick wanted to stay until the very end.  When we got home, he had me looked up the possible fines and jail time for him.  I always think it's a good experience to watch a trial, and this one has been particularly interesting because Rick knows so much about it.

Tomorrow the prosecution will continue calling witnesses, and Rick is planning to head down first thing.  He's really cracking me up with how interested he is in this.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Day 198

Today was a much needed lazy Sunday.  It's been awhile since we've had one of these and it was much deserved in my opinion.

Rick's a weirdo and woke up at 5am... his sleep is so messed up.  He took a short nap before noon, and then I told him he couldn't sleep anymore until bed time.  I had to wake him up a couple times while we were watching tv.  We spent the whole day watching Law and Order and Lie to Me.  We're trying to find a new tv series on netflix that we like.  Lie to Me is a little predictable, but interesting.  I really like the guy who is completely honest and blurts out the funniest things.  My sister recommended it, though, so we thought we'd give it a try.

We ate left overs for lunch and dinner and finished off the night with about 4 hours of the Oscars.  It was a great day.  Too bad, it's back to real life tomorrow.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 197

Today was crazy busy for a Saturday.  I got up early to go to my last early bar review class.  This was the week where we took the practice test and went over the answers, so we ended up getting out early.  I did alright on the test, not stellar, but considering I missed one week because of the basketball game/parking situation/weather and put absolutely no effort in to studying outside of class I feel like I did alright.  Anyway, my plan was to go straight from the review to the journal election meeting, but since we got done early those plans were all messed up.

So, instead I went to the rec.  Go me.  I decided to do some weight training since I rarely do that and want to strengthen my leg muscles so my knees doesn't start hurting again. I'm going to be sore tomorrow.  I still had some time before my meeting, so I decided to do some laps on the track and there was some sort of big event going on in the basketball courts.  It turned out to be a slam dunk contest, so I ran really fast around the far end of the track and then walked super slow around the contest end so I could watch haha.  It was crazy all the tricks these guys could do... ali oops or something like that.  Mostly, I was impressed that they could get their arms above the rim multiple times in a row!

After the rec, I had to go to this election meeting for the new journal editorial board that took for. ev. er. because we had to debate the merits of every single staff member running.  They should have warned us it was going to be so intense.

Meanwhile, back at the homestead...
Rick, Luke and Plencner were busy brewing yet another batch of beer.  When Rick signed up for that groupon I had no idea it would turn in to this.  Here's a little math for you... 4 batches of beer at 50 bottle per batch = 200 bottles of beer.  Where are we going to put all that beer????  Luckily 2 of those batches are still in big buckets.

We wrapped up our eventful Saturday with dinner at 23rd street and the Pursuit of Happyness.  Rick had never seen it, and kept trying to get us to tell him what happens.  I forgot how sad it is, luckily Plencner was there (and drunk) to mock all the sappy barts and keep me from crying.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 196

Tonight Rick and I watched Winter's Bone.  Big downer.  It was kind of a weird mix between True Grit and The Fighter with the hunt for the man who killed her father, and the crazy extended family who gangs up on the good guy.  How's that for Oscar references.  I've actually seen a lot of the movies that are nominated for things this year, but I think my favorite was The King's Speech.  I also really liked Inception and The Social Network.  I kind of wanted to see Black Swan at first, but then I heard it was pretty crazy and I've got enough crazy in my life.

Anyway, I don't usually get into the Oscar's aside from checking out what everyone's wearing, but this year, since I've seen so many of the movies I'm pretty excited about it.  Also, Anne Hathaway is hosting and I love her. I'm rooting for this movie on Sunday night.  Helena Bonham Carter is kind of awesome (and she's in Harry Potter) and Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth are so funny in this movie.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Day 195

We're back to crappy weather again.  It's raining/sleeting/snowing.  The only good part about this weather is my gmail gets snow on all the horizontal surfaces.  Since I work in a windowless office all day, it's helps me keep track of the weather outside haha

Rick recently taught me how to do screen shots... I'm so proud I remembered how to do it.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 194

- For some reason I had the flakiest day today.  Example: While at school I walked up to the elevator and was talking to Karen.  We stood there for a good 10 minutes before someone pointed out that the button wasn't pushed.  Duh.

- Rick may have to get his wisdom teeth out before he can go to Greenland.  This is major surgery and the school isn't going to pay for it... WTF?

- One of the attorney's in my office strangely resembles Bellatrix Lestrange today.

- I'm supposed to go to a 4 hour, voluntary, contracts review course tonight.  Do I really want to put myself through that?  I'm sort of hoping the weather gets really bad, so I don't have to go.

- Rick has slept a whole, consecutive 8 hours the last two nights.  I'm so proud of him.  He has serious sleep issues, waking up too early and not being able to fall asleep.

- I got to class a little early this afternoon and there were only 3 other people in there.  This girl then proceeds to have an entire conversation on her phone about how hot some guy she's looking up on facebook is and how he has a great body.  Awkward!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 193

Tristan got a job!  He is going to be a car salesman... crazy.  He seems excited about it, so that is good. I'm just happy that he will have something to keep him occupied for most of the day.  He's also been working out he told me.  His goal is to run 1 mile every day, but today he ran 2.5.  I didn't say anything but I've totally got him beat on the running front.   I think he is doing better, slowly, and having a job will definitely help.

Tonight, we got dinner at the Brooksider with some friends and Libby and Tom.  Before dinner Rick and Plencner traded home brews and we got to taste Plencner's wheat beer.  I thought it was really good.  Rick is going to brew a honey wheat beer next and I'm pretty excited about it now.  Rick was really proud that Plencner and Laura liked his beer.

Apparently Plencner's 2nd beer was a smoke beer.  My only experience with smoke beers is when Rick and Dave got one at the Blind Pig and it smelled like lighter fluid.  So, I don't think that would have been my choice to make 50 bottles of haha.  They're also making wine!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Day 192

Rick was the funniest kid growing up.  Obviously I wasn't there, but I have so many funny stories that he's told me, and I wanted to write them down so I don't forget them.

- I'm pretty sure he had his own language as a toddler.  We watched some home videos once, and he was just chattering away in gibberish.  He also called milk 'bahki'.  No idea how to spell that, or where it came from.

- When Rick was in grade school he failed a rhyming test.  He was convinced that his name rhymed "Ricky Riley".  I can see where the confusion came from, since they both end in 'y'.  To this day, he is convinced that those words rhyme, however, his rhyming skills with all other words are much improved.  I test him sometimes.

- At our wedding, we had a slideshow with pictures from when we were kids.  In one of Rick's pictures he is building this tower of blocks that is probably 10 feet high.  His dad is sitting on the couch in front of the tower with a hard hat on, because Rick's tower kept falling over and hitting his dad in the head.

- Rick once did a science experiment on how often cats land on their feet.  It involved dropping his beloved cat Lightning off of various things to see if he would land on his feet.  His mom helped.

I'm cracking up just writing these.  I think Rick was the funniest, smartest kid ever.  Maybe this will convince him to blog, so he can write funny stories about me.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Day 191

Today was super nice out, so Rick and I decided to go for a run.  Back around Christmas and New Year's we had been doing a really good job of going to the rec and running 2-3 miles every couple of days.  Then I got the death sickness, and there was snow, and somewhere along the way our schedule fell apart.

Anyway, in an attempt to kick our butts into gear we went on an extra long run today.  As we were running we estimated it was about 4.5 miles... turns out it was only 3.7.  Oh well, still good for us.  I thought I was going to die.  Any semblance of shape I was in a month ago has all been lost.  Did I mention there were like 30 mph winds?  I'm blaming my weakness on that.

It's been a pretty slow weekend.  Lots of bubble buster and law and order.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Day 190

Random Ramblings

- My barbri review class got canceled this morning because there is a basketball game.  In the world of KU Basketball > everything else.

- I got to see my brother today for the first time in almost 2 months!  He hung out with us and watch the game while my dad and grandma went to the game.  My grandma's biggest impression from the game... the players have a lot of tattoos.  haha

- Rick grilled out for the first time this year.  Yum!  This may put a kink in my vegetarian goals.

- Rick and I have been to Hyvee 3 times in 24 hours.  We've got to get a frequent shopper card to that place.

- Still no news from Garmin.  Boo.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Day 189

Rick and I recently watched some pretty good movies.

First we watched Secretariat.  I don't know what it is about stubborn housewives, but I just love them.  Like Sandra Bullock in The Blind Side.  I loved that movie, because of her.  Rick says I just want to be a rich southern belle.  I disagree.  I want to be a rich southern belle with a cause.  I'm not sure I have half the spunk those ladies do, though.  Anyway, Secretariat was really good.  Rick even liked it despite his initial grumblings.  I SO want to go to a horse race and wear a big hat.

Then we watched The Social Network, which I also thought was very interesting.  Mark Zuckerberg kind of comes off as a jerk in it, though.  How ironic that he makes billions helping people make friends and in the end he ends up with no friends.  Moral of the story: don't write things on the internet you don't want immortalized.  Everyone who has facebook should be forced to watch this movie and learn this lesson.  (sidenote: a girl I went to high school with actually posted pictures of her pregnancy test on the fb... eww!  I do not want to see pictures of a stick you just peed on.  sick!)  Rick wasn't all that impressed with this movie, but he's not all that impressed with facebook in general, so maybe that's why.  I just thought it was kind of cool to think about all of that happening while we were in college.  I can still remember when I first learned about facebook.  I was a sophomore living at Alpha Chi and one of the girls called a bunch of us in her room to show it to us.  And now I check it daily (probably more) to see what's going on with everyone.  Weird.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day 188

Tonight I had book club with some of my friends from college and a few other additions.  One of the girls is about 7 months pregnant, and she hosted tonight.  She was showing us the baby's nursery and talking about how the crib was convertible.  I asked what exactly that meant and she said, oh it changes into a toddler or twin bed. I was still a little confused, and she had to explain that what are now the side rails turn into a headboard and footboard for a big bed. oooooh.  Once, she explained it, it made a lot more sense and I could see how that worked.   Then she was talking about how the baby wouldn't actually sleep in the crib.  It would sleep in a 'pack and play' in their room.  I guess when they're really little it's like pediatrician recommended that they sleep in your room or in your bed.  But later they can sleep in a crib. Who knew baby's don't actually sleep in their cribs? Not me.

Clearly I have a lot to learn before we have any kids.  Also, I'm pretty sure we could never have our baby sleep in our bed.  I would never sleep because I'd be too scared one of us (rick) would roll over and hurt it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 187

We have been watching Jeopardy the last couple of days because Watson, the computer, is on playing against two humans.  It's actually really amazing that they computer can comprehend the questions and come up with answers. I just keep picturing it doing a google search on everything, which seems kind of unfair.

Rick says it's not fair because the computer can process the question faster than the humans because the question is just downloaded onto Watson all at once and the humans have to wait for their eyes to read it.  I think he might be right, because Watson just kept beating the humans to buzz in.  The humans might have known the answer, but they didn't have a chance because Watson always buzzed in first.

The real reason I like to watch it, though, is because at the bottom of the screen they show Watson's top three answers and the percentage correct he thinks they are.  He had a couple of crazy things come up.  For one question the answer was supposed to be a decade (ie. 80's, 90's, etc.) and one of Watson's possible answers was 'Lyon' haha.  The best one was the final jeopardy question... The question was, which U.S. City's largest airport is named after a WWII hero and 2nd largest is named after a WWII battle?  Watson's answer: Toronto.  Toronto is not a U.S. city... Toronto is in Canada lol.  That had to be embarrassing for his maker's.

Anyway, Watson came back in the second day and won by like $50,000, so I supposed they made a few tweaks and redeemed themselves.  I heard a story on NPR about how people were freaking out that Watson was the beginning of computers taking over the world and making human's their slaves.  What a bunch of nut jobs.  Watson think Toronto is in the US  he clearly has a ways to go before he reaches world domination.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day 186

The other day we were watching tv, and I looked over at Rick and saw this...
Look very closely at Rick's head... yes, that is the remote balanced on top.  I swear this picture is not staged... well actually I guess it is because as soon as I saw this and started laughing at Rick he took it off his head, but I made him put it back so I could take a picture.

Anyway, I asked him why he was doing that?  His answer: So I can find the remote when I need it.  Really? lol.  I suggested that it might be equally easy to find on his lap, the arm rest, the coffee table.  He's convinced that his head is the most logical place to store the remote.  What a weirdo.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 185

Happy Valentine's day!

We are not really valentine's people... especially Rick, he despises the day.  One year he sent me flowers the day before valentine's day but refused to call them valentine's flowers.

We had a pretty low key evening with a short run, tortilla soup and some boulevard chocolate ale.   Apparently, this beer is kind of a big deal.  Rick found ebay auctions selling it for like $100!  It's pretty tasty.

Our evening got much more exciting when the Kstate v. KU game started.  The wildcats have had a tough year, and I don't think anyone expected them to win this game... but they DID!!! Not only did they beat them, they led almost the entire game and won by almost 20 points 84-68! Crazy!  The best part of the whole thing is that KU was ranked #1 yesterday and they were soooo proud of themselves.  Well, that didn't last long haha.

I love the giant heads, they always make me laugh.  Rick thinks one night they should give the whole student section frank martin heads haha

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 184

Today is our 6th month wedding anniversary!

We don't really have any big plans, but Rick made me anniversary pancakes this morning and I'm making him a carrot cake.  He's been wanting carrot cake since we saw this amazing looking piece at Free State the other night.  The frosting on it was literally an inch thick.

It's hard to believe 6 months has gone by already... time flies.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 183

All of that snow we've gotten is finally melting.  Yay! It's super nice out today and we finally took our recycling to the recycling center.  It had been awhile and some of it was pretty gross.  I can't wait to live somewhere that has curbside recycling.  They had it for free in El Dorado... which in retrospect is really shocking.

Rick was awesome today and cleaned the whole house, while I took a nap.  I was still really worn out from symposium yesterday, and I had to get up early and go to my BarBri review class this morning.

We finished up our day with dinner downtown with Karen and Luke.  I got this awesome buffalo turkey burger at Dempsey's that was their special.  We hung out for awhile and played P and A, which I haven't done forever. I remember being a lot better at that game in college than I was last night, which is weird because I was probably a lot less drunk last night haha.  Then Rick tried to teach us all Euchre, which I had learned a long time ago from one of my dad's girlfriends.  On the way home we sang some songs from Grease.  All in all a good night.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 182

Today was the big day... Symposium.

I'm so, so, so glad it's over and it went great.  We had over 100 people there all day long.  AND the local news station came down and did a story on us!  It's so exciting because this is really great publicity for the journal and the law school and I'm very proud to have put it all together.

Unfortunately, I didn't get to see our news story because after we got done I went for 2 drinks with my dad, Emily and Rick and then promptly went home and fell asleep at about 5:30.  After an hour I woke up to go grab dinner, but that was the extent of my celebration.  I was exhausted.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day 181

I didn't want to blog about this too soon and jinx our luck, and I still feel like it might be a little premature, but Rick seems confident so I'm doing it anyway.

Rick interviewed at Garmin (after weeks of talking/interviewing with the HR lady).  He's in the running for three positions and feels pretty confident about two of them.  They called him the morning after his interview and said they were very interested in him for two positions: systems engineer and flight control engineer.  For the systems position they asked him to write a pretend letter to a customer about a problem they were having with some parts... this will be like his second interview.  He has to turn it in early next week and then we'll see what happens.

Keep your fingers crossed for us!  It would be such a relief for one of us to have a job nailed down.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 180

Random Thoughts:

- We are in the home stretch for the symposium... thank god.  I'm so ready for this to be over.  This week has already been super stressful trying to get all of the last minute things done.

- It won't stop snowing.  We got another 3 inches (exactly. Rick measured with a ruler) last night.  Our neighbor must get up at the crack of dawn because her driveway is ALWAYS shoveled before we get up.

- Rick has his big interview at Garmin tomorrow.  He's the smartest man alive, so I'm sure he'll be great.

- I've been contemplating going vegetarian for 30 days.  (I'm totally copying my sister)  I wonder if I could do it?

- My grandparents sent Rick and I a valentines card.  The envelope was addressed to both Rick and I, but the card was addressed to "Jessie & (Rick)"  what does that mean? Apparently he hasn't made non-parenthetical status yet?


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 179

The other day Rick and I were driving along when we passed a lady walking her dog.  Just as we passed them the dog broke into a huge yawn.  It was pretty cute and it launched Rick and I into an entire conversation in puppy dog talk (ie. baby talk) about our future dog.  We soon realized that we are going to be the most annoying dog owners ever.

We've already picked out the name of our dog... we will call him Tugboat.  I fully intend to call him Tuggie, which turned in to a joke about how he could "teach me how to tuggie, teach me, teach me how to tuggie" (sung to the tune of Teach Me How to Dougie).

I can't wait to get a puppy.  If I had my way we would have one already, but Rick wants to wait until we have a fenced yard, which I suppose is a legit requirement... but how can you say no to this face...

Holly the Labrador Retriever Pictures 719775
so cute!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 178

Why did I ever want to become a lawyer?  They sure don't make it easy on us.

I've been looking into what I need to do to apply for the bar and it is a pain in the ass.  I have to know everywhere I've lived for the last 10 years.  The name, position, dates and reason for leaving all any job I've held in the last 10 years.  I have to get 3 people I've known for at least 4 years, who are not my family, law school classmates or professors, to complete a character and fitness evaluation of me AND get it notarized.  I should have waited to get married, so I could make Rick do it. haha

Those are just a few of the hoops I have to jump through and that's only signing up for the test!  That doesn't even include all the studying and preparation this summer for the actual test.  Whew!  It gets me stressed just thinking about it.

On a happier note, we were told today that we could have family members who are KU Law alums hood us at our graduation ceremony.  Which means, my dad can hood me... which I think is kind of cool :)

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 177

Our first annual super bowl party was a success!

Rick decided that the super bowl was his favorite non-holiday.  So, we decided we should have a super bowl party every year.

This year we made chili and Rick requested that Libby bring pinwheels... I had not idea he had such a penchant for pinwheels.  Other people brought veggies, corn bread, desserts and chips.  I was stuffed by the end of the night.  Rick also let Tom try his first home brew and got the seal of approval.

We made everyone fill out our 'exotic bet sheet' (I borrowed it from my work and that's what they call it?). Somehow, Tanner and Cassie won and they didn't even show up until half way through the first half!  How unfair.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day 176

Today Rick had big plans for beer brewing.  His friend Luke was in town and they were super pumped to not only brew some beer, but also bottle Rick's latest batch.  Thanks to the recent snow, the beer kit didn't arrive until about 5pm, which totally messed up their very rigid brewing schedule, but they still managed to get everything done.

Meanwhile, Karen and I got up early and went to a pre-bar review class on Contracts.  We will be attending this super exciting class every Saturday from 9-1pm for the whole month of February... awesome.  We don't even get a real teacher lecturing, either, it is a recording of some guy we've never met talking about Contracts.  On the upside, this guy is pretty entertaining so it isn't completely miserable... for an extra class... on Saturday mornings. After our eventful morning, we decided we'd reached our thinking quota for the weekend and sat on the couch all afternoon/evening watching law and order while the boys brewed.  It was great.

I didn't take any brewing pictures this time, because it's all the same process... however, we did have one adrenaline-pumping moment when Rick cut his finger with our kitchen scissors.  I think he was pretty worked up with all the brewing excitement and he managed to take a pretty good snip of his finger.  It looked really bad for awhile, bleeding everywhere and it got really puffy, which I thought was weird.  After he'd gone through 5 bandaids in 20 minutes, I tried (unsuccessfully) to get him to sit down and elevate his hand for awhile.  The beer was calling his name, though, and he just couldn't sit still.  It finally stopped bleeding after about an hour, but he managed to bump it two more times throughout the evening and make it start bleeding again.
The picture doesn't do it justice.  Picture a gaping wound, spurting blood everywhere... that's what it looked like at first.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 175

Rick has been lusting after the 'Big Dipper Pizza' for quite some time now.  If you're not familiar, it's basically just a regular pizza cut into breadstick shapes, with no sauce, but you get 4 whole cups of marinara for dipping.

Anyway, we finally ordered one last night and it was pretty tasty.  We also got some wings which were also very good.  Rick was super excited about the big dipper (maybe the name appeals to his astronomy background? haha)

While eating a delicious meal, we watched probably the most intriguing episode of Law and Order: SVU ever.  And that's saying something because we watch a lot of law and order.  It was based off of the story of the BTK killer (who was from Wichita... holla).  Anyway, it was very intense... big night in the Riley house.


Sidenote: I just told Rick I was blogging about the Big Dipper and he said, "the asterism?!" hahahaha He's such a dork.  I had to google asterism to figure out what it was and how to spell it.  Guess I was right about the name appealing to him.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day 174

It's back to reality today, school and work are back in session... much to my seriously, hungover dismay.

Drinking Wednesday was a huge success.  Rick bailed after his first margarita because he thought it was gross and made him feel sick.  Apparently, no one else took issue with the margaritas because by then end of the night we were all having a great time.  Margaritas turned in to bowling which turned in to shuffleboard which turned in to a trip to the donut shop.  At some point last night I sent my sister a picture of my bowling shoes.
I also just remembered how bad we all were at bowling.  I don't think anyone broke 100.
Thank goodness Rick came back and picked me up when he did.  I was in bed by 9:30 and I feel awful today.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day 173

Well, today is snow day numero dos.  I couldn't believe it when they canceled school and work last night!

We woke up to some crazy snow outside and Rick got right to work shoveling our driveway.  It was crazy how high the snow was in some spots.  We thought that maybe our cars would block some of the snow on our driveway, but they just made really huge snow drifts all around them.  Our neighbor had a snow drift on her patio that was as high as her window.

After shoveling, we were ready to get out of the house so we went to home depot so Rick could buy supplies for his beer cooler.  On the way home we stopped for some Sonic, and then again so Rick could help some people push their car out of the snow.  He's such a good samaritan. Some of the roads were still pretty snowy and hadn't been plowed at all.  We drove through campus and it was a mess, so it's a good thing they canceled school.


Here's Rick's beer cooler.  He made it by wrapping the tube around some growlers... how fitting haha.  Now, he can put it in his 'brew kettle' (shown in the second picture) and run cold water through the tube and it will cool down his beer super fast.  He's so handy.

Now we're heading out for drinking Wednesdays... at 3pm...this should end well.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

day 172

Well the blizzard has officially hit. No school, no work and no leaving the house...or so the news advises. It looks pretty crazy, like a giant snow globe. Its been snowing like this all day and is supposed to continue through most of the night.

Rick is like a little kid. He keeps repeating how excited he is about the snow. And that there is "so much snow".

We briefly considered leaving the house for more beer, but decided to stay since we could barely make out the house across the street.

Instead I sent Rick out for the mail. When we opened the garage door the snow had drifted almost 4 feet high in front of one part of the door. And the driveway had a bunch of funny little peaks on it. That was more than enough snow time for Rick.
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