Monday, January 31, 2011

day 171

I think Rick has a man crush on Gary Lezak.

I couldn't believe my luck in finding a picture of Gary doing some weird hand gesture haha.  Gary is the local KC weather man and he is a big old weirdo.  Rick thinks he's hilarious and always tunes in to see what Gary has to say about the weather.  Rick is also slightly obsessed with weather.  He can recite the 10 day forecast in detail at any given time.

Anyway, Gary is fun to watch because he says everything with such excitement, "It's going to be forrrty-fiivvve degreeees here today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"  He could be saying anything, "the suuuupermaaarket has apppppplesssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and it would sound exciting.   

Gary also likes to reference his dogs.  He has two and I think they are named Stormy and Cloudy, or something weather related.  He brings in pictures of his dogs in various weather and shows them off.  He must not have kids. (Sidenote: I once knew a family who had like 10 kids and they were all named weather/nature things: stormy, windy, sandy, dusty, tsunami... haha not really, I made that one up.)

So, we've been hanging out with Gary a lot trying to get the low down on this impending blizzard.  I suggested we make a Gary Lezak drinking game, but they haven't officially canceled school tomorrow, so we're holding off.

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