Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 158

So, I guess this is part 2 to my post from yesterday.

Obviously the past month has been really hard for me... frustrating, emotional, tense, exhausting all come to mind.  I'm sure I haven't been easy to live with and I've had more than a fair share of baggage lately, but Rick has been absolutely amazing through all of it.

I never understood what people meant when they said someone was "their rock", but now I really get it.  I think Rick is the one thing keeping me sane in all of this craziness.  He always listens, he helps however he can and he always supports my thoughts and decisions.

Going through all of this with my brother has not been fun.  But, it has reminded me how lucky I am to have a partner in life to lean on when things are hard.  And I'm so thankful for that.

Love you.

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