Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 153

Today Rick and I have been married for 5 months.  In honor of this milestone I'd like to share a little story of why Rick always keeps life interesting :)

Recently, we went on a trip to Austin, Tx.  While in Austin we got to sleep in a king-size bed.  It seemed huge compared to our queen size bed at home.  Apparently, there was just a little too much room between us, because one night I woke up to find that Rick had gotten out of bed and come around to my side and gotten back in bed on my side.  I had to scoot all the way across the bed to get out and go to the bathroom lol.

I've created a diagram to illustrate the hilarity of this...

Rick has done a lot of funny things in his sleep, but I think this tops them all.  It's nice to know he missed me, though. :)

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