Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Day 145

Rick is a huge fan of the Lord of the Rings.  I meant to take a picture of his box set of the books, but I forgot.  He recently started re-reading them again for the 100th time and the books are in bad shape.  The covers are bent, one was definitely spilled on, the binding is basically gone, and two of them have fallen into two separate pieces.  These are well-loved books.

Anyway, Rick has been trying to get me to watch the movies with him forever.  I watched the first one a long time ago when they first came out and didn't like it.  It was too dark and complicated for me.  But, I decided since he watched all the Harry Potter's with me I should give LOTR the old college try.  Rick has the super-deluxe-extra-special-extended versions too, so they are in two parts and it's like watching 6 movies instead of 3.  (Actually, I don't know if the regular versions are in two parts or not.)

Turns out, I actually like these movies.  Who knew?  It helps that we can pause it and I can ask Rick a lot of questions to clarify what's happening.  We're currently half way through the second one, but I fully intend to finish them over the weekend.

The only down side is that these movies made me realize that Harry Potter is a total sham!  I love HP, but there are a whole lot of parallels between HP and LOTR.  Rick says that in HP's defense LOTR covered pretty much every theme, character and storyline that you could use in a fantasy book so there wasn't a lot left over for HP.

Gollum = Dobby        Gandalf = Dumbledore       The Ring = Horcruxes      Dark Tower = Dark Lord
I could go on...

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