Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 159

Lawrence was hit with a crazy snow storm today.  It has snowed about 8 inches and is supposed to continue throughout the night.

I'm still taking my deposition skills class and was supposed to be there until 6pm tonight.  It started snowing at about 11 this morning and didn't let up all day, so by 4 the roads were looking bad and they sent us home for the night.  Or so they thought...

I left school thinking I would have no problem getting home and the worst part was going to be cleaning the snow off my car in a suit and heels.  I was wrong.  It took me an hour and 15 minutes to travel the 2 miles between school and our house.  The route I take home is really hilly and I got stopped going one way when a huge rv got stuck going up the hill.  So, I turned around and headed back towards school in hopes of finding and alternate route, but I was stopped again by cars stuck going up a hill back the other way.  So, I turned around again, hoping the bus had been moved, no luck.  A police office had arrived on the scene and was directing everyone off onto a side street to detour around the bus.  Immediately a car in front of me got stuck trying to go up a hill on the side street.  So the officer had to come down the side street and direct everyone to turn around back on to the main road that was now blocked on both ends.  At this point they had finally gotten some snow plows there to plow the hills (because none of the roads had been plowed despite the fact that it had been snowing for 5+ hours).  But in order for the plows to go to work they had to get all the stuck cars off the hills.  It was a disaster.  I've never been so happy to get home in my life.

I found this picture from the Lawrence Journal World.  This is one of the intersections everyone was getting stuck at.

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