Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 146

I can't believe I forgot about this little gem until now!

So, over Christmas when we were all back in El Dorado Libby was really sick with a head cold and lots of congestion.  My mom suggested that she try out the neti pot.   Now, I have tried the neti pot before and now that it is basically a torture device and only provides temporary relief.  (Sidenote: I have a weird ear popping disease and this was one of the things the dr's recommended.  It didn't work.)

Libby agreed to try it out AND let Rick and I take a picture of her doing it! haha  After seeing how much fun Libby had, Tom decided he should try it out, too.  But, apparently Tom's sinuses aren't routed like everyone else's because the water kept coming out of his mouth instead of his other nostril.  It was hilarious.

I googled neti pot pictures and everything that came up is far superior to the pictures that I took, but they're still funny.

Tom testing out the neti pot.
Rick preparing to take a video of Libby neti potting

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