Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 166

Happy Birthday to Tristan!

I remember the day Tristan was born very distinctly.  I was in kindergarten and my very best friend, Levi, was moving away that day.  I was so sad that he was leaving.  We had been friends practically since the day we were born.  Instead of playing with Levi after school, I remember, we had to get in the car right away and go to our cousins' house so my aunt and uncle could watch us while my parents were at the hospital.

Even though, I was sad that Levi moved away, I was also very happy to have a new little baby to play with all the time.  Much to my sister's chagrin, I made her and Tristan play 'house' all the time.  I was the mom, Libby was the dad and Tristan was our baby.  We'd dress him up and haul him around all over the place, playing house together.  It was the best.

Now he's all grown up.  20 years old, today!

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