Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 144

So, now that things are back in full swing with work, school (almost), etc. I thought I should probably work on some resolutions/goals for the upcoming year.  I feel like I make the same resolutions every year: eat healthy, work out more, work harder at school, etc.  This year I tried to come up with some more concrete and detailed resolutions, so here goes:

- Run a 10k (and maybe a half-marathon)
  Rick has already scoped out a training schedule and a race for me, so I'd say I'm well on my way to this one!

- Find 5 new, healthy and easy recipes to work into our regular rotation of meals
   I feel like we're pretty good at cooking and not eating out too much, but some of our recipes could be healthier so I'd like to work on that

- Pass the bar and Get a job
  Duh, obviously this is a non-negotiable goal

- Get involved with the alpha chi alumnae group wherever we move after graduation
   I want to make more friends, and also do things to help the collegiate alpha chi chapters because it was a really great experience for me  

- Volunteer or donate to charity
   Every holiday season I always think about how I should be giving back more to the community and I always    make the excuse that I'm in school so I don't have time or money, so this year I'm going to at the very least volunteer some of my time somewhere.

- Date night
  Rick and I spend a lot of time together, but I don't always feel like it's quality time when we're zoned out in front of the tv, or whatever.  So, I want to institute date night, once a month, something cheap that includes an activity and food

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