Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Day 165

Well, I finally broke down and went to the Dr. about my death sickness today.  I thought I could tough it out, but I felt terrible after a full day of work and school yesterday.  The Dr. poked and prodded, took my temperature, swabbed my throat, asked all about my symptoms and then diagnosed me with...

A cold!

And gave me no medicine.  So lame, what a waste of time.  Rick said, "Well, at least you know you aren't dying."  Thanks.  I still feel like I'm dying.  The Dr. did take the time to write out all the non-prescription over-the-counter drugs I should try taking on his prescription pad, but no miracle drugs for me.  He also asked me about my new year's resolutions and if we needed to talk about them.  Nope, think I'm all set.  It was probably one of the strangest Dr's appointments I've ever had.

This is a fairly accurate representation of how I look and feel.  

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