Wednesday, January 12, 2011

day 152

After the 7 inches of snow we got yesterday and last night, the weather turned absolutely frigid.  The high for today is like 12 degrees.  So, as Rick was getting ready this morning he noticed this...

That's frost.  On the inside.  Of our bedroom window.

You can sort of see it in between the blinds, there.  After discovering this we checked all our other windows and found the same thing, to a lesser degree, on all of them.

I could have made my own snow cone with all the frost we had!  It was really frozen, too.  I tried to scrape it off with my finger and it didn't budge.  So, now you know that I am not kidding when I say that it is absolutely frigid here.

Then I came home from work and found that the snow plow had come again and created a nice 2 foot ridge of snow all across the end of our driveway.  But, I managed to ramp over it and power through in my little civic. Rick was really impressed that I actually managed to make it into the driveway haha