Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 162

Today I woke up with what I thought was a terrible hangover.  About half way through the day I took my temperature and realized I had a terrible illness.  Aches. Chills. Fever. Vomiting. Sore Throat.

It was shortly after we ordered chinese food that I realized I might throw up, and shortly after that I realized I would probably not get to enjoy my recently ordered chinese food.  It was a sad realization.  When I made a dash for the toilet, things got worse... Rick followed me... awkward!   I do not need an audience to vomit and told him so between dry heaves.  Some things should always remain private!  (Although, I did throw up on/near his shoes once, after a few too many drinks, so I suppose it's nothing he hasn't seen before.)

So, anyway Rick tried to send me to bed, but I managed to keep down a few bites of chinese food first.  He took really good care of me and even made a midnight run for Nyquil, so I could sleep.  I think this has to be some sort of marriage milestone... "First snotty, vomit-y, highly unattractive moment"?

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