Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 164

Today is my last 'first day of school' ever!!!!

I cannot believe this day is finally here.  When I started law school the year 2011 seemed SO far away and like it would never come.  And now here it is, and I'm a little more than 100 days from graduation.

We got an email today telling us everything we need to do for graduation and I almost got a little teary.  Law school has been a long, hard journey and I'm just really proud of myself for making it this far.  I know I still have a semester left and then the bar exam this summer, but it feels so good to have the end in sight.

I can't wait to have a job, an income, a regular schedule! It's going to be great.  I'm really, really looking forward to the next stage in our life.

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