Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 147

This has been the first full week back to work and school since break and it has been busy.  I had the day off from work today, but I had to go in to legal aid and work on a bunch of stuff there.  It's always a disaster after a break because the supervising attorneys take cover all of our files, which means lots of things get misplaced and go undocumented.  It took me a good 3 hours to get all of my files in order and get caught up on what was happening in each of them. whew, glad to have that done.

Things are also getting busy with the symposium since it is know almost a month away, so I have been playing catch-up/wrap-up on a bunch of that stuff, too.

Tonight Rick and I had our first monthly date night.  We went to see the fighter which was good, but not what I expected.  When we left Rick's comment was, "well they make your family look normal" haha.  They were pretty crazy.  And one of the sisters was played by Conan O'Brien's real life sister.  I heard an interview on NPR where they said she looked like a version of him in drag... poor lady.  Christian Bale looked nothing like batman... I almost didn't recognize him.  And Amy Adams were a lot of skanky outfits.  All in all I could have lived with waiting till it came out on DVD.  True Grit was way better.

After the movie we went to Johnny's West for dinner.  My sister had gone there the other day and said it was really good, so we decided to go try it out.  The food was pretty good, but the best part was that the had $3 champagne drinks.  I got something called a Crimson Cocktail and it was yummy.  The only downside to eating there was that it happened to be the one night every lawyer in town was meeting there for a judge's going away party, so that was kind of awkward.  I felt like I was crashing the party, but I honestly had no idea it was even happening. haha

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