Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 155

Today we headed over to KC so that Rick could pick up some more beer brewing equipment.  We met up with Libby and Tom at the beer brewing store (which was much smaller than I expected) and then headed to a place in Westport for a drink.  Libby and Tom suggested the beer kitchen which turned out to be an excellent choice.  They had a very interesting food menu and a very extensive beer menu... much to the guys' delight.  On their menu they had deviled eggs!  I've never seen deviled eggs on a menu before and these were very fancy deviled eggs with salmon and caviar on top.  Yum!

After a few drinks we headed over to Katie and Charlie's for dinner.  Katie had made little pizza crusts for everyone to make their own pizza.  Super cute dinner party idea.  Then we watched football and eventually convinced the boys to watch the Miss America pageant if we fast forwarded through all the boring parts.  We ended up each picking 2 contestants and rooting for ours to win.  It was really fun, especially because my girl won!!  Go Nebrasksa!  The highlight of the whole thing, though, was the contestant whose talent was yodeling ventriloquy.  Hilarious.

All in all a fun night!

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