Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 57

Surprise blog!

Last night we went out downtown with Karen and Luke to check out the Nash Bash, a street fest that had a beer tent, always a good time.  There was lots of prime people watching including the dancing people in front of a horrible band and a woman who's shirt said "I'm too SEXY for my" however, it was not made clear what exactly she was too sexy for and we were unable to be certain.  The star of the show however, was the orange man. 

A few weeks ago Jessie and I were out to dinner at the Casbah and a man walked in wearing what looked to be and orange friars costume.  We were very far away and couldn't hear the conversation but I believe the orange man asked the bartender if he had anything orange for sale, the bartender looked confused, produced an orange and the orange man bought it and went on his way.  After seeing this man last night, we explained this odd story to our friends to which Karen replied "Who are you talking about?"  Because clearly, it wasn't the large man in the all orange strange costume. 

My new goal is to get a picture of this man and when I do I will append this blog with it or write a whole new one about his adventures.  I believe he is going to become my new downtown obsession edging out maraca girl by a hair.

This is a surprise blog because it appears Jessie didn't write one yesterday and it's 6:48 am so this basically counts as yesterday.

Keeping the streak alive!

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