Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 51

Yesterday, Rick's parents and sister came to town to ride in the Tour de BBQ with us. It was 35 miles around Kansas city with stops for bbq at some of the most popular bbq joints in kc. We got up super early, 5am, and headed down to Power and Light to start the ride.
The weather was perfect, sunny and cool. We got to the first bbq stop and there was a huge line. I figured there wasn't much of a chance of the food running out bc we were at the actual restaurant and they could just go inside and make more. WRONG. We didn't get any bbq until the third stop and we were pretty excited to have some by then. I think Rick's dad had 4 or 5 sandwiches at that one stop!
We finally made it through the ride with sore butts and really tired legs. At the end of the ride there was more bbq and boulevard tasted delicious.
This is the second 30 mile ride I've done with no training or preparation. The first was the Tour de Donuts in Staunton, IL a two years ago. I'm not sure how many more I'll be able to do like that bc I am SO sore today. But I made it through this one and I'm pretty freaking proud of myself. Rick was so nice and rode slow with all of us. He's pretty much the only reason I made it up a few of those big hills, thanks to his 'pushing'. He would just ride next to me and put his hand on my back and it really makes such a difference, I could book it up the hills like that.
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