Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 54

Drinkin' Wednesdays!!!

My friend Karen has instituted 'Drinkin' Wednesday' amongst our group of law school friends.  Now that we are 3L's and life is a little less stressful, and a lot of us have jobs, we get together almost every Wednesday for a happy hour somewhere in Lawrence.  Since, we are all working and most of us are taking less class, we don't see each other as often, so it's a good excuse for us to get together.  It's a great mid-week break from work/school/clinic and it's fun to get together with everyone and talk about what's going on in our lives.  We're still on the hunt for the best happy hour specials in town on Wednesday, but we've found some pretty good ones so far.  $5 Jumbo Margaritas? Sold!

I met my dad for coffee at the Burge Union yesterday and there were so many 1L's over there studying.  They all just look so miserable and stressed out.  Then this morning I was walking behind some 1L's on the way into school and I overheard them talking about their memo and how worried they were about it.

I am SO glad to be past that point in my life and almost done with law school.  First year of law school was definitely the worst year of my life.  School was so hard, I had so much work and no idea what I was doing.  All of that stress was compounded by the fact that Rick was living 7 hours away in Champaign, IL.  So every week I would desperately try to get ahead so I could spend time with him on the weekend, and every other weekend that involved 14 hours of driving.  Looking back, I have no idea how we did that.  It was really hard, and definitely a low point in our relationship. 

But, we survived and now I can think back on that year when ever I'm feeling blue and remember that no matter how bad I think things are now, they're a million times better than they were that year.

Here are some driving pics, for your enjoyment.  That looks like flat view out the window, definitely looks like Illinois.

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