Thursday, October 28, 2010

day 76

Today I got asked out by one of my clients.

This particular client doesn't speak English very well and definitely doesn't understand the united state's government at all. It was really awkward.

We had just finished our meeting with the city prosecutor and I was telling him for the umpteenth time that he needed to do diversion and explaining how to fill out the application. When I finished, he said "i show my appreciation treat you to lunch" eh? When I finally decipher what he'd said I explained that I'd already eaten lunch and had to get back to work. I was trying to let him down easy while subtly flashing my wedding ring. This did not deter him. He immediately asked if I was available for dinner. I told him he really didn't have to do that and I was going out of town tonight. At this point I was totally creeped out and trying to get the heck out of there, so I asked if he had any other questions about diversion and stood up to leave. He asked me the same 3 questions I'd just covered about his court date, fines and his visa and as I was about to leave he said "why you not accept my appreciation?" Seriously dude? So I explained that we weren't allowed to fraternize with clients or see them at all outside of court or the office and I couldn't go to lunch or dinner or any other meal with him. That seemed to finally get through to him and he apologized for not knowing the rules. Freaking awkward.

I practically ran out of the place to avoid any more invitations. When I told Rick this story he basically said don't flatter yourself it's a cultural thing and not accepting their "appreciation" is insulting to people of his culture. Awesome.

In other news we are on our way back to st. Louis for Rick's cousin, Matt's, wedding. The construction cone man from last week was knocked/blown over which was really disappointing bc I had my camera all ready for a picture.
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