Wednesday, October 13, 2010

day 61

last night I finished the book I've been reading, but I forgot I needed something new to read until tonight.

Rick kindly volunteered to find a book for me out of his collection. After rejecting several sci-fi novels I found a book called "Surely you're joking Mr. Feynman". Sounds funny, right? wrong (mostly). The book is about a physicist, science guy and the whole first chapter is about the gadgets he constructed and invented as s child. Booooring. Not to mention, the guy totally writes in a stream of consciousness way, jumping from topic to topic with zero transitions.

So Rick tells me to skip ahead to the next chapter. I do, and this chapter starts out a little more promising. It is about the pranks he pulled on his fraternity brothers in college. There's one joke where he takes a door off the study room, and doesn't tell any one where it is for days, until he gives a long monologue at dinner about how clever and genius the person who took it must be, and then after everyone agrees with him he admits it was he, oh clever one, who took the door. Hmm... Well that joke started out funny but you took it just a little too far, buddy.

Next he tells the story of a busy diner where often eats and how he wants the waitresses to slow down, and smell the proverbial roses. So one night he leaves his tip inside two completely full water glasses turned upside down on the table top. His theory is that with the first glass the waitress will spill the water, but with the second she will figure out his magical physics trick, and know she should slide the glass off the table into a soup dish, and not spill the water. Needless to say, the waitress does not figure out the trick on glass one or two. And somehow amidst her busy job and the now giant puddle of water she misses the lesson about slowing down and enjoying life. Um, nice work jackass your magic physics trick is annoying and messy.

And that was the last chapter I will be reading of that book. So, thanks for trying rick, but tomorrow I will definitely be hitting up the library.

For the record Rick has impeccable taste in most things in life and this book was just a small misstep. :)
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