Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 50

Being a psychology and family studies major in undergrad, I'm always interested in current trends in marriage and relationships, gender, etc.  I found some interesting studies the other day and thought I'd share.

     - Almost half (49%) of all men in the state of New York are single.  56% of the men in Kansas are married, which is the 3rd highest percentage of married men in a state

     - Arkansas has the highest percentage of men who have been married more than 3 times (10%).

     - 45% of women say they manage the household finances, while only 37% of men say they manage the finances

     - 48% of Americans have no preference as to whether their lawyer is male or female.  Of that 48%, men are less likely to have a preference (51% said doesn't matter) than women (46% said doesn't matter)

     - Married women, on average, make $25,000 more than unmarried women

     - The highest percentage of mothers are married women between the ages of 25 and 34.  The second highest percentage is unmarried women under the age of 25.

Well that's enough nerdiness for one day I suppose. 

Here are all my sources, so I don't get sued.

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