Saturday, October 16, 2010

day 64

Thursday and Friday of this week were supposed to be our fall break at school and there were no classes. However, Rick and I both ended up working all day Thursday and most of Friday. Lame.

We did manage to squeeze our favorite fall activity into the end of our Friday afternoon... We visited the pumpkin patch, which has become a yearly tradition for us. The pickings were a little slim this year and we were the only people there which we thought was odd. But, we managed to each find a pumpkin, and we got a baby pumpkin to make up for the fact that we have no children or dogs. We're going to wait a week to carve them, so they don't get mushy and look like old people without their dentures in by Halloween. Anyway, as we were driving home we passed another huge, pumpkin patch with cars parked all up and down the road and hundreds of people. We then realized that was the place we'd been trying to go for two years and until now we had never realized we were at the wrong place. Oops.

This year we are finally living some where that we might get some trick or treaters and I am pumped about that! I tried to buy some candy the other day at the grocery store, but Rick said I had to wait until closer so we don't eat it all. Maybe I can sneak some in the cart tomorrow.

The rest of our weekend was pretty low key because we are trying to rest up for next weekend when we head back to Champaign for homecoming! Is it sad that I am most excited about eating at all of my favorite restaurants again?
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