Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 59

There was no way this blog was going to make it 2 months without a Rick written biking post and since this weekend was Octoginta, the unofficial end of the season, prepare yourself.

I started riding seriously last year, very seriously when I moved to Lawrence and joined the Lawrence Bike Club.  In the past two years I've ridden over 4,500 miles in four states, met a ton of great people and lost 50ish pounds.  Hooray biking.  Last year at this time I rode my first ever century, 100 miles in one ride, with a group of friends of whom only one had completed this milestone before.  It was rough but an absolute blast.  When I finished and arrived at my apartment, Jessie had made me a sign that as hanging on the door congratulating me on the ride and she served me a second dinner of cheese tortellini which was AMAZING (and that wasn't just the hungry post ride stomach talking).  It was one of my highlights of the year.

This year I didn't ride, instead I helped a friend and drove my truck to support the ride with water, supplies and as a mobile SAG.  I had to take two riders in because of various ailments and dropped off 100 gallons of water (of which not enough was drank, sad day).  It was a fun day and I got a free t-shirt out of the deal.  Hooray free stuff!

I'm also excited because on Wednesday I'll receive my copy of "The Cyclists Training Bible" by Joe Freil, a book recommended by tons of people to maximize your training program.  I'm planning to start racing next year and the want to adhere to a strict training regiment this winter to start the season out with a bang.  It going to consist of lots of miles on the trainer/rollers this winter but hopefully it'll show when spring rolls around.

That's it, no more biking for a while, I promise.

Jessie is now finishing up the Brothers and Sisters episode she forgot to watch yesterday and I just got home from the store where I picked up fruit, juice and some awesome Gouda cheese to go with the apples I got.  I love Fall, the best season ever.
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