Friday, October 22, 2010

Day 70

Today we finished the rest of our trek to Champaign. But, before we left Edwardsville we went to see Rick's dad's newest project, a house that is all 'green' (as in earth-friendly, not in color). It was pretty cool to see. They tore down an old farm house where the home-owners used to live and re-built an all new, super efficient house in the same spot in only 4 months. The house has all the state of the art features. It has this cool little gadget that tracks how much energy you're using in the house at any time and can predict your gas/electric bill.

When we finally got to Champaign, our first stop was Za's, the best restaurant ever. It was just as delicious as I remember. Rick stopped by Frasca and said hello to all his old co-workers and then we went down to Kam's... the grossest bar ever. I swear all the college kids in there looked 12, I felt old.

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