Tuesday, October 12, 2010

day 60

Today I spent my entire day in court. It was truly a day of learning.

Before 10am I learned that doing defense work for a Las Vegas event planner will get you VIP tickets to Kim Kardashian's birthday party.
I also learned that there is a genetic condition that makes hands always cold. I later learned of another condition that prohibits one from taking deep breaths, but that was later in the day.

Around noon I found out that my husband can catch 5 grapes in his mouth in a row. That's the record for now.

Between the hours of 1pm and 3:30pm I learned that some people really are remorseful for their crimes. That others need smoke breaks every 10 minutes. Literally. And that a crazy man can pace around the lobby of a crowded municipal court screaming random things and absolutely no one will react. No one.

By the time 4 rolled around I learned that grown men, who are experienced lawyers, can still throw tantrums like 5 year olds. And when they do, they will be yelled at by judges in a manner similar to the way their mother would yell at them.
All in all a successful and highly entertaining day.
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