Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 63

Two funny stories about Rick:

Story #1
Last night we went to the KU Kstate football game (in which the Wildcats obliterated the Jayhawks).  As we were walking into the game, a ton of people were tailgating.  This older guy walking right in front of us, chugged the last of his beer and then just threw his cup on the ground, aiming for the sewer, but missing.  Rick, suddenly, picks up the cup and chases this guy down through the crowd.  When he catches up with him, he taps his shoulder and hands the cup back to him saying, "I think you dropped this, and I'm sure there's a trash can right next to the gate."  The man just stared at him in stunned, silence.  It was hilarious.

Story #2
Rick has been known to say crazy things in his sleep.  Last night I woke up to him saying, "A gaggle of geese hehehe, it's a gaggle of geese!' and giggling the whole time. Also, hilarious.

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