Monday, October 4, 2010

day 52

Rick and I are pretty avid recyclers. We recycle everything from glass to tin cans to cardboard. We have a pretty good system worked out, and now that we have a garage it's even better bc we have a place to keep the recycling (which can be kind of smelly) outside the house.
Our system involves a large plastic bin with separate trash bags inside for the various types of recyclables and one large trash can for all the glass. Glass is definitely what we have the most of... And I hate to admit that it is mostly beer bottles...oops. All the cardboard gets stashed between the glass trash can and the wall, and as you can see from this picture, sometimes it gets a little out of control. I think this was right after the wedding so we had a lot of packaging out there. There are also A Lot of beer bottles in this photo. It appears we managed to fill the large glass can, remove the bag, and completely fill it again. Yikes! I blame wedding stress and being too busy to deal with the recycling.
When all of our bins are overflowing, we take all the recycling to the only place in town that recycles glass, Wal-Mart. You'd think in a college town there would be more places to recycle glass, but no.
And that is the story of our contribution to saving the planet. A whole post on recycling I am officially lame.
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