Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 65

Tonight Tristan came over to hang out with us and he seems to be doing so well.  Being 6 years apart we haven't always had the closest of relationships, but I worry about him a lot and a few months ago I was crying because he wouldn't talk to any of us and I didn't know if he was ok.  We've come a long way, since then.  He's definitely happier and more talkative than I've seen him in a long time, and I just hope that he has really made some good changes in his life.
He was so funny talking with us tonight, I could tell he had things he wanted to tell us and he would just segue into them out of nowhere, like he couldn't wait to get them out.  I'm so happy that he's actually interested in hanging out with me (and Rick) on a regular basis. 
He doesn't read this blog, but I thought it was worth mentioning, and I hope someday I can look back at this and remember how far we've all come since this summer. So, here's to you Tristan :)

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