Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 53

Today Jessie said something funny, we were at the store and she said "we live a very well rounded life." This was right after we went for a run and went to the store to buy lettuce, tp, deoderant, razors, shaving cream, face cream, and pumpkin beer and before we went home to make coal miners spaghetti. I love random trips to the store, buying the oddest combination of stuff. I've always wondered what the checkout person thinks of what we're buying.

My other favorite trip to the store was for a swimsuit, sun screen, and boones farm. That day I wondered if the checkout lady was jealous of my soon to be awesome day.

Happy Tuesday? Jessie will be back next week with another installment of "tour Tuesdays." I was going to do a tour of either jessies ear or her nose but she wanted nothing to do with that. Shocking.
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