Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day 92

Well today was the day, as Jessie alluded to yesterday, one year ago we got engaged (and three months ago we were married, too many things on the 13th, what was I thinking?)

Jessie wants my side of the story, so here we go.

We both knew we were going to get married someday I just decided that it was time to get that process started sooner rather than later.  The first goal was to figure out the ring thing, that was a process for sure.  I went to all the jewelers in Lawrence and struck up a good repoire with "Ernie" at Kizer-Cummings downtown and figured that was the place to go.  After looking at 1,000,000 diamonds I found a good one and made the purchase but first I needed to get Libby's opinion on what to get for sure.

I couldn't just tell Libby she was coming in to look at engagement rings so I lied, making up a story that I was buying Jessie a dress from a place that was making it from scratch (this was not a good lie).  Libby saw right through my story but played along a little and came to town.  On her way in I called and told her the truth and she didn't freak out as much as I thought she would.  However, she was extremely unhappy that she would have to keep a secret for a few weeks and I believe her solution was not to talk to Jessie as much as possible.

Next on the list was figuring out when to "pop the question"  (haha)  I looked at the calendar and saw there was a Friday the 13th coming up.  I've never had any superstition with that date and coincidently, my parents were married on Friday the 13th.  This worked well so I called Cafe Beautiful since that was one of the first places we went to eat in Lawrence when Jessie moved here and they have AMAZING food so that was a really easy pick.  This date was about 3 weeks after I bought the ring but they needed a few weeks to get it put together.

Then came the big night.  I was hanging out at my place waiting for the event to kick off and decided I needed a beer, believe it or not I did get a little nervous.  Jessie told about the night really well so I'll defer to her there.

So here we are, one year later, happily married and getting ready to graduate in 6ish months.

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