Thursday, November 18, 2010

Day 97

Rick likes to play this game with me in the car (for the record I do not like this game b/c I never win).  We tune the radio to the classic rock station and Rick makes me try to guess the name of the band playing the song.  I am terrrrrible at musician's names and I never get it right.  I even make him give me hints sometimes, but they are always bad hints like "in 1975 this artist did a triple lutz off the stage and broke three people died"  Yep, that really narrows it down, thanks.  Obviously if I don't know their name, I'm not going to know what happened at their concert 10 years before I was born.

Anyway, yesterday Rick and I were having this really random conversation that proves how bad I am at musician names.  It started out with me telling Rick that Bruce Springsteen was 61, which he already knew because he's obsessed with 'the boss'.  Later, I discovered that Rick Springfield was also 61, except for some reason I thought his name was Rick Springsteen.  So, I was telling Rick how weird it was that Bruce Springsteen and Rick Springsteen were both 61 and had the last name and were rockstars.  His response: "hmm, they must be the same person... wait, I don't even know who Rick Springsteen is"  Yes! Finally something about classic rock that I know and Rick doesn't!  So, I replied with all the confidence in the world "Jessie's Girl? duh."  And then he set me straight, explaining that the man who sings Jessie's Girl is Rick Springfield, not Rick Springsteen.

I think they could be brother's?

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