Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day 102

- Prince William is getting married!  April 29.  I've already put it in my calendar.  While I'm slightly disappointed, that I'll never be Queen of England, I am pretty pumped to watch this wedding.

- I hate the word "nom".  I'm not even really sure what it means, but it's dumb.

- I'm seeing HP and the Deathly Hallows tonight!  At the fork and screen theater which I've never done, and I'm pretty pumped.

- Rick had to drive all the way to Ft. Riley today for a flight test, only to have it be too windy, so they turned around and came back.  Bummer.  He did get to eat lunch at Cracker Barrell, though, so I suppose it all evens out.

- My Thanksgiving break starts in approx. 3 hours.  Unfortunately, I have to give a closing argument Monday, so my break will be tainted with school work.

- I saw a typo on a commercial for The View this morning.  You'd think in this economy people would spell check.

1 comment:

  1. I love these random thoughts!!!! :) :)

    I knew YOU would be excited for the wedding! Queen Jessie! :)
