Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 85

So, Rick went to school at Illinois and he's pretty serious about watching their football games.  This is actually pretty hard to do while living in Kansas because the Big 12 dominates most football coverage around here.  This weekend, Rick's world was rocked when xbox started streaming ESPN3 live, allowing him to watch the Illini live AND on his big tv.

However, ESPN couldn't give us the exact same experience as watching on tv, because we're not paying for it so there are a few oddities when watching ESPN3.  For example, there are no commercials.  When the game goes to commercial we see this:
 We also get this screen at half-time and between quarters.  It's pretty awkward, because there is no sound, no elevator music, nothing.  One minute you're watching the game and the next it's dead silent.  I think if we were having a big watch party this would be totally weird, but luckily it's just me and Rick.  We also don't get any extra coverage, so when the announcers say, "Let's go to Andrea on the field" all we hear are the announcers breathing into the mics and all we see are random sideline shots... no Andrea.  It's actually kind of funny, because when it cuts back to the main announcers they always say something like, "Wow, Andrea that is really interesting!", but we have no idea what is so interesting.

But anyway, it's still pretty great to be able to watch the game in our own house instead of in a bar or restaurant.  The couch is way more comfortable, and I can wear my comfy clothes.

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