Wednesday, November 17, 2010

day 96

So Rick got this new video game yesterday.  He's been talking about how excited he is to get it for at least a week.  However, he pretty much refuses to play it when I'm in the room (or not otherwise occupied).  I know you're wondering what sort of magic I pulled to make this happen.  Well, it's simple really I just make fun of his video games and how ridiculous they are.

For instance...
About a month ago he was playing this game where some old guy and his son run around in a field, panting.  The boy repeatedly said things like, "C'mon paw let's get them injuns".  (I may have made that up, but I swear it was something similar).  So, I just kept talking like that boy and repeating all his catch phrases and Rick refused to play the game in front of me again.  It's a miracle, paw!

Apparently this new game he got is the sequel to some other game that I made fun of because all the characters had really bad Italian accents.  I don't remember this, but Rick swears it's true.  I've managed to catch a few glimpses of this new game and I can't say I really blame myself for making fun of the prequel.  It seems to involve walking around an Italian villa a few hundred years ago, accepting contracts to kill people, while they accept similar contracts to kill you.  The best part is when someone actually gets killed and everything goes into slow-motion while massive amounts of blood spurt out of the dead body.  And he wonders why I make fun of it?

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