Saturday, November 20, 2010

day 99

No Rick and I are not on safari in Africa, we're still right here in Lawrence, KS and so are those zebras and that camel.  Crazy right?  A little bit outside of town there's is this street that is home to about 5 mcmansions (including one styled after a plantation house that I'm in love with) and one of the houses has these animals in their yard... just hanging out about 1/2 mile north of 6th street and Wakarusa.

We started visiting these animals about 6 months ago when one of Rick's friends from the Lawrence Bike Club told him about them.  Apparently a lot of people visit these animals because there have been other cars out there checking things out almost every time we have been.  And one time a lady leaving the plantation house stopped and told us to be careful because the zebras would bite.  Someone told Rick that they are not really zebras they are a zebra-horse mix, called a Zorse haha.  Anyway, I have no idea why these people own Zorses and a camel or why they keep them out in their yard, where everyone drives by and looks at them.  I don't think I would want people constantly cruising by my house, but to each their own I guess.

Back then, we were pretty sure one of the zebras was pregnant because she was looking pretty wide... and today there were three zebras!  We couldn't figure out which was the baby, though, because they all looked the same size.  The poor camel was shedding like crazy.  He had a whole strip of fur hanging off his hump, like a tail growing out of his side.  I don't think this is a normal time of year for animals to be shedding, shouldn't he be growing his winter coat?  I looked up on google where camels are supposed to live, and it is the desert.  This guy must be so confused by the changing weather here.  Although, I guess at night it gets pretty cold in deserts, so maybe he's ok.  When we were leaving I told Rick we needed to come back at Christmas to see if they had a big nativity scene display with the camel in it haha.
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