Friday, November 12, 2010

Day 91

Almost one year ago today Rick and I got engaged.

It was a pretty normal week and we had planned to go out with friends on Friday to celebrate my finishing my Law Journal Article and  Rick's 'allegedly' getting funding from the school to pay for his tuition.  I had made plans with our friends to meet up for Sushi and a night down on Mass. St., when all of a sudden Rick decided we needed to kick it up a notch and made reservations at Cafe Beautiful.  Cafe Beautiful is a tiny little restaurant on the second floor of a building on Mass. St.  The chef is a Japanese man, and he only serves 2 tables a night, one at 7 and one at 9.  The food is amazing and it's also super expensive.  Way more expensive than I thought we needed to go for this little celebration.  When I questioned Rick on his decision to go to Cafe Beautiful he just said he had really been wanting the food there.  I thought this was pretty strange, because it's not exactly the kind of food you crave... like pizza or something...and I began to get a little suspicious.

Up to this point, I had not even an inkling of what was going to happen that night.  Rick and I had discussed marriage and definitely knew we'd get married someday, but we both still had almost two years of school left before graduation and I just figured we would wait to get married until we were done with school.  Anyway, after Rick changed our plans I texted the story to my sister to get her take on things.  She reassured me that it was probably nothing and Rick really did just want to eat there.  So, I called up my friend Karen to tell her we wouldn't make it for Sushi, but that we'd be sure to meet up with them after we'd gotten dinner.  I remember I felt really bad canceling on them b/c I had made all the plans, but Rick was SO insistent that we go to Cafe Beautiful.

Friday night rolls around, and I'm still a little suspicious, so I spend forever picking out an outfit and getting ready.  When I went to Rick's apartment to pick him up he seemed perfectly normal, except when he gave me a kiss I noticed he smelled like beer.  I thought it was odd, but didn't say anything.  We drove to the restaurant and almost as soon as we sat down Rick says, "So, I have something to tell you..." with this really weird smile on his face.  He then proceeds to tell me that he didn't really get funding for his tuition, to which I respond well why are we here spending all this money on dinner?!  He then gets up and starts to walk around to my side of the table.  I'm just really confused, trying to figure out what he's doing, when he gets down on one knee next to me.  I honestly don't know exactly what he said, I just remember thinking "oh my god he's proposing, don't forget to say yes".  Which is totally stupid, but I made him tell me again later what he said, so it's ok.

For the rest of dinner I couldn't stop smiling, and looking at my ring because it was (and is) the sparkliest diamond ever!  After dinner, I called my sister first thing, only to find out she'd already known for like a month.  I then called my brother to tell him and he was so funny.  I told him he was going to have a brother-in-law and he said "What? Seriously? Holy Shit!" lol.  I'm sure marriage was the farthest thing from his college freshman mind.  We then proceeded to meet up with our friends and have a few too many celebratory beers before heading home for the night.

Sadly, we don't have any pictures from that night, so here are some pics from our engagement photo shoot.

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