Thursday, November 4, 2010

Day 83

One of the websites I regularly peruse is called  They have the cutest party ideas.  Today there was a post about an UP (as in the movie) birthday party.  It was super cute, and I stole some of their pictures. 

Anyway, I just love that movie.  Actually, I love the first 5-10minutes when the boy and girl meet and they're so happy together and the adventure book about their life, but then it is SO SAD when the wife dies.  When Rick and I watched this movie we were both sobbing 10 minutes in!  Ok, he wasn't sobbing, maybe just a little misty... but I was. 
Here's their cute little house, on the cake, with all the balloons on it to make it float as he fulfills his wife's wish of going on the adventure!

Don't you just want to squeeze his square little cheeks! So cute!

Apparently at this party, all the kids got their own adventure book!

So, I'm sad that by the time we have kids UP won't be cool anymore and they won't want to have an UP birthday party...bummer.  Maybe I can force them to have one before they're old enough to realize they have a choice muahahaha

And since this post is supposed to be about Rick and Me I will tell you about some of our most memorable birthdays.  I didn't consult Rick on this first, but one time he told me his favorite birthday was one where his dad helped him and all the other kids make treasure boxes.  And when he says "make" he literally means saw, nail and sand the wood!  Then all the kids got to decorate them with fun stuff.  One of my most memorable parties was dinosaur themed.  My sister and I have less than 2 weeks between our birthdays, so we ended up having a lot of joint birthday parties, but that was ok b/c they were always super cool.  So, anyway for the dinosaur party my mom made this triceratop hat thing to go on our pony, Heidi, and all the kids got to ride the 'dinosaur' and then we hid little plastic toy dinosaurs all over in the sandbox and he had to excavate to find them like archaeologists, and I think we had a really awesome dinosaur cake, too.  I'm not sure why I like dinosaurs so much... maybe this was around the time Land Before Time came out b/c I LOVED that movie!

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