Tuesday, November 2, 2010

day 81

Tour Tuesday!

I think we're down to the last room in our house now, our bedroom. It is truly a work in progress. As you can see by the pictures, we have zero real bedroom furniture. Which is sad, but the reality is in less than a year we will be moving again and bedroom furniture is big and heavy, so we decided to wait until we are living somewhere more permanent to invest in that.

In the meantime we have nightstands from home depot, a little boy dresser from Craigslist, and the dresser my brother left in our garage.

I just noticed that Rick's dirty jeans made it into every picture haha. Earlier tonight they were in the living room where he dropped them after getting home from the rec. Then he said he was going to put his stuff away, but those only made it from the living room to the bed. I guess I'll consider that an improvement.
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