Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 101

So over the weekend one of my really good friend from high school had a baby.  There were several girls in my high school class who had kids in high school, or shortly after, but this is my first close friend to have a kid, so it's kind of weird.

Anyway, last night I saw a picture of my friend's baby right before I went to bed and it must have stuck in my head because I had the craziest dream...

In my dream I was having a baby.  Not like 'oh crap I'm pregnant' having a baby, like I'm in labor this kid is coming today having a baby.  So, I'm at the hospital and the doctor tells us that it's going to be awhile before anything exciting starts happening.  Rick decides he has time to go to class and leaves me!  Then my sister tells me she has to leave because she has jury duty that day.  So, I tell her she has to get out of it ASAP, and I help her make up an excuse to tell the judge.  I think I told her to answer that she couldn't be 'fair and impartial' to every question they asked her haha (This is funny, because we've been doing jury selection in one of my classes at school).  So guess who that leaves me with at the hospital? My mom... thanks a lot guys.  That's about all I remember of the dream, except I was really annoyed with my mom and just wanted Rick to get back so she would leave.

Thank goodness we aren't having kids anytime soon, we obviously need to get our game plan figured out before then.

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