Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 80

Wow, it is November already!  Time is going way too fast.  Cue serious freak out about finding a job, taking the bar, and moving across the country.

On a happier note we did have trick-or-treaters last night!  The first little guy to come was probably only about 2 and as soon as I opened the door, he ran into our house lol.  His mom had to chase after him.  It was pretty funny.  I'm not sure what he was supposed to be, some yellow, cartoon character.  I'm not hip to the kid lingo.  Anyway, poor little guy had these gloves on as part of his costume and he couldn't pick up any of the candy. 

Later we had a few witches, vampires, scary things.  They weren't very entertaining.  Oh, except one kid picked out a Hershey bar and as he was walking away, I heard him say, "Yes, I love these things!" haha Apparently we have excellent taste in candy. 

We ended the night with an entire family of trick-or-treaters.  That's right, kids, mom and grandma (dressed in a poncho) all knocked on the door, yelled "trick or treat" before we opened the door and then everyone of them, including mom and grandma, took candy...???  Odd, very odd.

Rick is already looking forward to the day that he can take all our kids trick-or-treating and then "eat all their candy when they go to sleep". 

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