Sunday, November 14, 2010

Day 93

It was about mid October last year when I was walking around aimlessly through Wal Mart in search for a Halloween costume. I found a costume... and was a cat - in case you were intrigued.  I was in the girls section wondering how in the world Miley Cyrus got her own clothing line at Wal Mart  when I got an incoming call on my cell phone from Rick. Now, Rick and I were friends at this point but, we weren’t calling each other to shoot the shit on a Tuesday night, so I knew something was up.

I had a couple ideas before I picked up the phone and knew overall it was probably helping to get Jessie some kind of present. Earlier in Jessie and Rick’s relationship Rick asked for my help on a Christmas present and I had provided Rick with a suggested present list for him to use with about 7-8 ideas. He later informed Jessie he couldn’t tell her what the rest of the stuff on the list was in case he needed to use it later in their relationship. So, I was a little surprised at his call, and instantly thought, “Shit, has that list already ran out?! Good boyfriend – I need to get me one of those.”

So, back to the phone conversation  - I think this may be easiest to read in dialect form.

Libby: (in concerned voice) “Uh, hey what up fool?”

Rick: “ Hey, what are you up to? I had a favor to ask you.”

Libby: “ Ok, yeah, what’s that?”

Rick: “ Well, I might be getting funding for my grad school and I would like to take your sister on a nice date. I was hoping you could help me pick her out a dress.”

Libby: “What?! Why can’t she pick out her own dress? Can you send me the link on a website.”
Rick: “ I just thought it would be nice, you know. I can’t send it to you they don’t have a website."
Libby: "What kind of store doesn't have a website? Can you just tell me about it, I am not sure I will be able to come to Lawrence anytime soon. What's the name of the store?" 
Rick: " Ok, ummmm well you see I think it may be called Sophia's. I can't remember the name. No hurry just whenever you can get over here." 
Libby: " Um ok, Rick I know you are lieing. Just tell me that you are asking my sister to marry you. I know you are lieing!!! There is no store in Lawrence named Sophia's. Come on Rick... just tell me."
Rick: "I swear to god I am not lieing... just a dress. Come next Thursday? Call me when you're on your way" 
end of conversation. 

I know what your thinking, I should write screen plays? No? Ok, you are thinking he is a liar! That is exactly what I was thinking too! I knew from the second I saw his name on the caller ID that he was going to ask Jessie to marry him, and the moment he asked about the dress, I knew he meant a ring. I had so many mixed feelings. I was excited for my sister, terrified I wouldn't be able to keep the secret, sad my sister was growing up, and honored Rick wanted my help. 

So, the week went by... slowly and I was driving to Lawrence and got a call from Rick. He told me, " Change of plans. The shop is located on 8th and Mass and is on the left side of the street. It's actually a jewelry store, and I am going to ask you sister to marry me and I need your help picking out the ring." I was ecstatic. I finally had confirmation, I called Rick a liar and made sure he knew that I had him figured out from the first second and hung up.  I was happy that he confided in me and valued my opinion enough to ask for my help. That little shit also informed me he "HAD" to lie to me because he knew I couldn't keep a secret for that long. smart man. It made me feel good that Jessie would be marrying a man that could lie for a damn. :)

I went into the jewelry store and helped rick pick out a beautiful ring that she deserved. 
Rick shared with me it was going to be a few weeks until he asked and he was going to take her to dinner, and would keep me posted. That was a loooooong few weeks. I called my dad every other day asking if he knew anything new. I was trying to hint at him that I knew something, and if Rick had called him and asked for his blessing to ask Jessie to marry him I knew that I would have someone to share my secret with. The secret that was eating away at me... just always sitting there in the back of my head, the secret that I was dieing to tell someone else! Mostly, I wanted Rick to hurry up and p-o-p the question so that I could share my excitment with my sister!

The night had finally come and I waited anxiously by my phone.. counting down the minutes until Jessie would call me and I could hear all the juicy details and let her know that I was in on the hardest secret I have ever had to keep! (but, I had at that point of course told my roommates, Katherine, Caitlin, Deidre, and Ale - because that kind of secret is wayyyy to hard to keep!)  I was so happy for her, and could hear the sheer surprise and happiness in her voice. I was happy for Rick and Jessie, and excited to share the next year of their lives planning, and having parties to celebrate two very important people in my life. 

I am so glad I got to be a small part of such a special, cool moment. Love you Jessie and Rick!!! :)

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