Thursday, November 25, 2010

day 104

Happy thanksgiving!

Our thanksgiving started out by sleeping in, which was very nice. Rick has slept later than me the past two days which is totally weird and unlike him. He's always up at 7 on the dot. I think his schedule is all messed up from his early morning flight test on Tuesday.

Then we went on the 2nd annual turkey trot...Rick went willingly and I had to be coerced. Last year pat and carly did a 4 mile run by accident and pat wanted to do it again this year. Apparently last year she guilted carly into running the last mile by telling her "if you were paralyzed you'd be thankful to have legs and feel the pain" haha. She gave carly and I that speech near the end this year, but we didn't really need it. I was shocked at how good I felt! Rick and Chris took off and got way ahead of us and apparently Rick was a bit of a whiner and almost gave up, but he finished it all too!

Then we went home for a delicious dinner. The highlight of which was Rick's grandma telling everyone she had dirt on her idea how that happened. Oh, and she said she was thankful for her husband....even though he was slow. Too funny.
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